Ready to step into the elevated version of yourself? You’re invited to…

The Reckoning

This course teaches you how to lead yourself in an unshakeable way so you can finally get what you want - what you really want.

Are you ready to step into the fullest expression of yourself? To create a business and a life that is a full body yes?  

If you’re nodding along, then I have one more question: do you know what that looks like for you? 


It’s ok if you say no. But let me be the first to tell you: You deserve to lead yourself. You deserve to create the business and life you WANT — not the one you were told to want. 


Maybe that idea scares you…or delights you in a way that you never could have imagined! 


Either way, it’s true. You deserve to lead yourself. We all do. But most of us have been taught to follow others. We ask for advice, follow “the plan” someone else had for us, and then wonder why our lives don’t feel like we thought they would. 


I remember when I used to feel that way. When I was having to call my dad and ask him to loan me money to get the boot off my car so I could get to work, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to feed my kid that week. 


When I was hustling 24/7 and looking like a success on the outside but inside I was crumbling because what I had built wasn’t really what I wanted. 


When I felt lost and unsure of where to go. I’d experienced failure, I’d experienced success, and none of it had ever felt like me.

Until I finally came home to myself.

And coming home to myself led to me literally building the home of my dreams after I’d built the business of my dreams that would get me there. The home that I had visualized for months. The home that now houses my wife, my son, and all our dreams. The house that holds our future — the future that we choose, not the one someone else chose for us. 


And it all happened because I had my own Reckoning. 


I finally stopped looking outside myself for confirmation or validation. I realized that it only mattered how I felt. If the life I was creating was right for me — because I’m the only one who has to live it. 


Why are we constantly looking outside of ourselves for the answers when actually the answers are right in front of us all the time? 


The answer to that question led me to create The Reckoning, a program unlike anything I’ve ever done before. 


In The Reckoning, we step away from the behaved and controlled. We plunge into the insatiable existence of our souls and the results are so juicy.

The Reckoning is your opportunity to stop hiding in the shadows and learn to lead yourself in an unshakeable way.

I know you are ready to lead yourself and step into that elevated, richer version of you. You wouldn’t be reading this right now if you weren’t. 


This is your time to kiss self-sabotage and failure to launch goodbye.


It's your moment to anchor into luxury and confidence in a way the world hasn't seen in a while. 


This is your moment.  Just like this client: 

What’s Inside The Reckoning?

  • Weekly module drops 
  • Community lead chat
  • Lifetime access to content

I know when you’ve been following someone’s plan, it can feel impossible to stop. Especially when that involves spending money on yourself. 


Yet I cannot think of a better investment for someone who is ready to stop hiding and embrace the fullness of who they are — no matter what anyone else thinks. 


This is your chance to say yes to yourself in a way you never have before. And you’ll never regret investing in yourself.

Hey, I’m Danielle McCleerey, your quantum coach. 


I am trained in Human Design, Trauma Healing, Astrology, Reiki, Meditation, and Wealth Energetics, all of which have really brought me back from a pretty epic burnout. I left SoulCycle after 10 years and got really clear on my vision and my boundaries. Since 2019, I’ve built 3 multi-six-figure businesses- one in network marketing, one coaching business, and a top-rated podcast that’s close to 250K downloads. 


What I am really interested in is you living a life that turns you on and having a business that is a full body yes. I want to help you leave the matrix of what's "normal" for work. Through all of my education and experience, I will guide you and give you the tools necessary to scale a massive, sustainable, and sexy business using your intuition and Human Design. 


And we start right here with The Reckoning!

  • Q: When can I join?
    A: Right now! Doors are open for our next LIVE round of The Reckoning, beginning January 1, 2024
  • Q: How much is The Reckoning?
    A: Normally It’s $999. For Black Friday Presale, it's $697 and payment plans are available.
  • Q: How do I know this is for me?
    A: If this is resonating with you, that’s a pretty good sign! If you’re tired of feeling like you’re living in someone else’s shadow, following someone else’s plan, or just disconnected from life, this is for you.
  • Q: What if I want more support?
    A: I offer Scale to $ix, my mastermind if you’re looking for more support than this program offers. For this Live round or The Reckoning, we will have 2 live calls when you can ask questions and get personalized support with Danielle.

The Reckoning$0

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  • Preferred option
    Pay In Full ($997.00)$997.00
  • Preferred option
    3x Payments ($333.00 bi-weekly)3x $333.00
  • Preferred option
    2x Payments ($498.50 monthly)2x $498.50

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  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Reckoning$0

All prices in USD